Thank you for contacting us.
2-factor authentication is an important security feature on Liquid. To have 2-factor authentication disabled for your account, please provide the following:
Your Liquid account email address.
Selfie of you holding both your identity document and a handwritten note detailing your request.
Requirements for selfie:
Please use a light, neutral background.
Please look straight at the camera.
Selfie must be in color.
Requirements for identity document:
Identity document can be national ID, international passport, or driving license.
Identity document must be original (not photocopied).
Identity document should be in characters of the Latin alphabet. Japan driving license is accepted.
Information on document must be clearly visible.
Requirements for handwritten note:
Note must contain a reference to Liquid and time/date of your request, for example "LIQUID I want to disable 2FA 2021-MM-DD."
Note must be handwritten and original (not photocopied)
Once we can verify your identity, we will proceed to disable 2-factor authentication of your account.